Picking The Best Argumentative Essay Topic: A Quick Guide

Choosing a topic is actually complicated and it certainly takes a vigilant eye to pick a proper one for an argumentative essay. Not to mention, selecting an inappropriate subject matter can make writing an effective dissertation impossible. Hence, there are a few approaches which one may employ in order to make his or her argument paper exceptional.

Here are some factors you can think about:

  • Write what you’re familiar with or what you know.
  • This seems very obvious; however, it is fundamental to have some background knowledge in a theme at this period in your life. Indeed, this implies that there are a few subject matters which you’re already familiar with and this shall aid you save more of legwork. And, although you need to do some research, you will surely know where to begin in your analysis this way.

  • Pick something which you are mostly passionate about.
  • Even though this is not really required, still, if you care then it shall definitely come through in your composition. And, even when it isn’t passion, consider that there is a firm rule of writing and that is your audience do not care about your theme more than you actually do.

  • See to it that your subject matter is something particular.
  • That is, when you’re arguing, do not take something that is too broad. If your side on the issue can be summarized to a no or yes, then, you’ll need to discuss more or not enough! Due to this, it is advised to have a specific and clear statement that tries to convince and present support.

  • Ensure that there is something which can be defended in your stance.
  • Rethink your topic especially when you find it so hard to think of explanations or justifications an opponent of yours is sure to come up with. Meanwhile, if your opponent is an empty suit or any other approach of contemplating on the issue is evidently wrong, then, you’re not writing an argument; you are actually composing an exposition.

  • Select an argument that appeals to emotion.
  • In so doing, your readers will easily connect to what you’re trying to convey. In truth, people barely argue rationally, that said the sole approach to truly change a person’s mind is to get him or her invest emotionally into your argument, with what you’re attempting to achieve and what you are trying to say.

Likewise, it is quite crucial to have strong and rational arguments in your paper; however, you’re going to have some troubles if you consider choosing a topic which does not stimulate any sort of emotion.